A tax lien is a claim by the government on a property when taxes are delinquent.
A tax lien certificate is a claim a purchaser has on the interest and fees made from overdue taxes.
When property tax is due and not paid within the appropriate timeframe, a lien is placed on the property.
It is important to know that the county is not selling your home, but only the right to collect the delinquent taxes.
Your county has assigned your delinquent tax lien to Tax Ease Ohio, who now has the right to collect your outstanding tax.
You can access the Taxpayer Portal on our website for information about your account, such as certificate details, payments information, and much more.
You can access the Payment Portal on our website and follow the instructions to make a payment.
Please call us on (866)-907-2626 or email us at ohinfo2@taxease.com to discuss your options.
Once you have submitted payment for your delinquent tax lien and the funds have been cleared, we will send you a payoff receipt.
If you haven’t been notified, please call us on (866)-907-2626 and we will assist you.
Please contact your taxing authority directly. Tax Ease Ohio cannot rectify any errors that may have been made by your taxing authority.